NEAR INFRARED & RED LIGHT THERAPY COMBINATION. Red light wavelength 660nm is absorved at a higher proportion by the skin tissue, making it especially effective for boosting skin health and increasing collagen. Infrared light 850nm has a strong ability to penetrate deeper into the tissue, joints and organs, making it ideal for enhancing muscle recovery, reducing joint pain and inflammation. 15 minutes a day, can take your pain away! NATURAL. NON-INVASIVE. DRUG FREE. Did you know that red light therapy delivers safe, concentrated wavelengths of therapeutic natural light to your skin and cells, where it reduces oxidative stress and stimulates cellular energy production. All without the side effects and major health risks you get with prescription pain meds and invasive procedures. Wattage consumption: 95±5W FLEXIBLE. PORTABLE. COMFORTABLE USE. The portable device comes with height adjusting rope and braided steel cables, you can either place it on a flat surface for use or hook on any standard-sized door. It is a perfect solution for home use, enjoy your light anytime and anywhere.