ALERT CHILD AS SOON AS BEDWTTING OCCURS: Easy to put this small and light bed wetting alarm on children's upper arm and alert them as soon as the reliable sensor DETECTS THE FIRST DROP OF URINE. Note: TO STOP BEEPING, just release the clip from the wet underwear, shake the urine off and dry the clip with a tissue. IF THE BEEPING CONTINUE, rinse the clip under running water, then shake the water off, the beeping will stop, since urine has a stronger adhesion than water. HELP CHILD FORM GOOD HABITS: SYNCHRONIZED SOUND AND VIBRATION alerts at the very first drop of urine, wakes your kid and motivates him/her to finish urinating in toilet and to FORM A HABIT IN 4-16 WEEKS. HOW TO USE BED WETTING ALARM: Activate the battery; Test the alarm on wet cloth for 3 times before using; Adjust band and unit; Run the cord; Clip the snug-fitting cotton underpants at the right position. PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFOR YOU USE IT, IT IS VERY IMPORTANT.