HAVE THE MOST COMFORTABLE PERIOD OF YOUR LIFE - 60% of customers report fewer period cramps when using FLEX Disc; 80% report less dryness and irritation after switching. Many customers have shared that they thought having an uncomfortable period was a fact of life—until they tried something new. ENJOY UP TO 12 HOURS OF PROTECTION WITHOUT RINSING - Your period products should not disrupt your life. Whether you’re working, caring for your children, traveling or stuck in class, FLEX Discs provide 12 hours of worry-free protection and are conveniently disposable after each use. Forget running to the bathroom every few hours to change your tampon or pad—and no need to rinse your menstrual cup in a public space. Our discs hold as much fluid as 3 super tampons. RELIABLE - Be worry-free with period products that are designed for your unique body and lifestyle. FLEX Discs are made with ComfortSeal technology to conform to you, preventing leaks. Our discs are made to perform no matter your daily routine, including swimming, sleeping, or working out like a pro athlete.