- Restore Healthy Nails from Fungal Nails: Get your beautiful and healthy toe nails back with Bealuz Fungal Nail Treatment Liquid and Cream. There is a cure for those unsightly fungal infected toe nails, and seeing a specialist doctor is not the only solution. Our fungal nail treatment kit will get your original toe nails back in no time! - Double the Fungal Removal Power with Dual Action Kit: The Bealuz Fungal Nail Treatment kit contains both Liquid and Cream, doubling the action, doubling the strength to remove those fungal affected nails! The antifungal liquid and cream work in conjunction with one another to attack the fungus in tandem, treating the infection more effectively in a shorter time. - Naturally Eliminate Stubborn Fungus Safely: Fungal infections are stubborn, especially on toe nails. But why resort to harmful chemicals when there is a natural solution waiting for you? The Bealuz Fungal Nail Treatment Liquid and Cream each consists of herbal-based active ingredients that penetrates, eliminates the fungus and nourishes the nails naturally.