Male Balance specifically addresses tension and stress in the pelvic region This is not just for men with sexual functioning issues; this is for all men who want better sex. This remedy also improves Taoist and Tantric sexual practices and makes them more available and natural. 100% NATURAL: Using a unique formula of Cell Salts and Flower Essences including American Ginseng, Banksia Marginata, Indian Pink, Mountain Pride, and Tamarind our Natural Male Balance Remedy harnesses natures healing properties to help release emotional blockages relating to sexuality. We there is free flow there is no pain! ACTIVE INGREDIENTS include KALI PHOS 6X which addresses diminished sexual power, depressed sexual instinct, feeling weak and tired. See label for all uses. The effectiveness of Male Balance increases with usage and time; its potency builds with repeated use. The pharmaceuticals and herbal supplements that are widely available today produce instant but short-term results. They force the body to do something that it does not have the resources to do on its own.