Miageek 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill has two sport modes.It can be used as a under desk walking treadmill (when the handrail folded,max speed 4km/h)or a running treadmill(max speed 12km/h).This treadmill ensures that you dedicate a considerable amount of time to your health without having to do it in your precious free time. Its powerful 2.25 HP continuous duty motor works quietly regardless of the speed and intensity of the workout. Wide speed range option from 0.4 – 7.5 mph.This makes it highly suitable for office as well as home use.7 layer shock-absorbing structure anti-skid noise reduction running belt which tend to provide safe cushioning for your back, joints, knees, ankles, and muscles. Moreover, it has a spacious walking area of 16″ x 40″. Multi-functional LED display that allows user to Track progress in speed, distance, time and calories burned. Built-in bluetooth speaker and phone bracket,you can listen music or watch TV when walking or running.You can also change speed or stop in an instant with the remote controller.With the easy-to-reach safty key, the treadmill can moment to stop in emergency situations.