Do NOT Be Fooled By Imitations Or Knockoffs. Many companies claim to have Copper Magnetic Bracelets but they don't even test to ensure the highest purity! We GUARANTEE that our bracelets are 99.9% PURE Copper with 6 powerful therapeutic magnets for additional benefits! EFFECTIVE & NATURAL NON-INVASIVE PAIN RELIEF. Copper Bracelet Arthritis Solutions is committed to providing effective and natural non-invasive pain relief of Arthritis, Joint Pain, RSI, Carpal Tunnel, Fatigue and Migraines. Copper Magnetic Bracelets have been worn for many years by thousands of people across the globe, and we bring you the purest and highest quality bracelets on the market today. Simply, the BEST Energy Bracelet, Health Bracelet, and Balance Bracelet! 6 THERAPEUTIC MAGNETS STRATEGICALLY PLACED CLOSE TO THE WRIST because they are designed to help increase blood flow to the nearby joints and bring healing nutrients such as iron and vitamin C. They are also believed to help balance the bio-energy fields in the wrist and surrounding tissues.