

  • DESIGN AND FUNCTIONS: A multifunctional correction pads for flat foot, strephexopodia, X-type legs and pigeon toe, soft texture provides cozy, comfortable wear, also balance the sole force USEFUL: Great for use on all type of shoes, help the whole feet from hurting, heel pain, plantar fasciitis; with our effective arch support sleeves, back to normal physical activities as possible. DESIGN FOR MOST FEET: Metarsal arch support sleeves are designed to fit any feet, stay in place securely, create long-lasting relief from foot & heel pain due to flat feet & plantar fasciitis.
  • DESIGN: A multi- functional correction pads for forefoot with soft texture. Balance the sole force, stretch to fit your toes, to give you long-lasting relief from foot and Metatarsal pain. SEFUL: Toe Separators work great on high heels,flats, boot and dance shoe, sport shoes, etc.They work well with high heels so you can enjoy any party and every lovely evening. DETAILS: 1 toe separator. One size fits most. Toe sleeve provides metatarsal joint padding and protection from blisters, reduce pain from bunions, and other unsightly foot problems!